Sunday, November 4, 2012

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

     The virtual world is an online community based on computer simulated environment. The virtual character incarnations are the carrier who live in the online world. The users of the virtual world can choose a virtual 3D model as the incarnation to walk, fly, ride transport and so on. Also they communicate through text, images, sound, videos and other media. Although this world is "virtual" because it comes from the creativity and imagination of the computer, this world is an objective reality. The real human exist as unreal characters with real time and space blend, which is the most important feature of the virtual world.
     The virtual world is divided into virtual fantasy world and the virtual reality world. Virtual fantasy world is similar to MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) game. It's just a fantasy world with a theme. The structure of the virtual world in the games are the network interactive versions of the myth and fantasy. Game provides players with a pre-built scenes and tools that allow player to play a role into the fantasy world. In essence,  it is not associated with the real world. The virtual reality world provides users the most original virtual elements. The users can build anything they want with the elements on the land of nothing. The creators have the ownership of their virtual property. They can decided if their property can be copied, modified, or resale. The virtual reality world let people create and extend reality in virtual world. At the same time, the life of the virtual world and the life of the real world have certain relevance in politics, economy, culture, education of the society.

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