Friday, November 2, 2012

Social networking

     Social networking is the network of relationships between individuals. Website that based on the thinking of the social relationships is social networking site. Now, many Web2.0 websites belong to social networking sites, such as online chat, video sharing, blog, wiki, podcast, music sharing and so on. Most of the social networks allow users to interact in many ways, including chat, sending a mail, audio and video, sharing files, writing blogs, participating in discussion groups. Social networks provide a new method for exchanging and sharing information. General social networking site has several millions of users, and the service has become a part of life for the users. Facebook and Myspace are the well-known social networking websites in the world.
     The starting point of social networking is the e-mail. Early, e-mail resolve the remote mail transmission problemand it is still the most popular application on Internet. Later when BBS comes out, social networking goes further. The normalization of "group sending" and "retransmission" theoretically set up the funtions of online publication and discussion. BBS makes the advance in cost reduction from simple point-to-point to point-to-side communication. Instant messaging (IM) and blog (Blog) are more like upgraded version of the previous two social tool.
     Making friends is beginning of social network. Social network has undergone such a process of development: Make friends with strangers stage-Friendster helps you build weak social relationship; the entertainment stage-MySpace creates rich multimedia personalized space to attract the attention; the social graph stage-Facebook copy real interpersonal network to online with low-cost management.
     Social networking plays an important role in people's lives. It has underestimated effect in people's thinking,life and information catching. However, there are some drawbacks in social networking, including the disclosure of personal information. Especially for young people, they are in the front-end of the social network, but also affected the most.

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