Saturday, November 17, 2012

P2P File Sharing

     Peer-to-peer technology is a new network technology. It based on the computing power and bandwidth of the participants in the network, rather than to rely on gathering on a few physical servers. P2P networks are typically connect through Ad Hoc connection. Such networks can be used for a variety of purposes. Variety of file sharing softwares have been widely used. P2P technology is also being used in data communication like VoIP and other real-time media business. File sharing is the practice of providing access to transfer information and documents like pictures, sounds, videos, data, etc. Peer-to-peer file sharing is that users upload files that are parted into small datas and stored on thousands of servers, and others users can download the whole file by collecting all the datas from the servers through the peer-to-peer technology. One of the biggest and well know peer-to-peer file sharing is Napster, BearShare, BitComet and eDonkey.
     In the article "Should Online Scofflaw be denied Web Access" published by New York Time in 2009 by Eric Pfanner, states the question "Is Internet access a fundamental human right? Or is it a privilege, carrying with it a responsibility for good behavior?" The big problem of using P2P file sharing is infringement. In fact, most of the files shared on P2P networks is copyrighted popular music and movies. In most of the judicial scope, sharing these copies is illegal. Many observers, including the majority of media companies and some P2P advocates criticized this network has caused a huge threat to the existing issuance of medias. It is necessary to make laws to protect the copyrights and limit the use of P2P file sharing softwares.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post on P2P. I know that it is still easy to find websites that you can illegally download movies, games, music etc for fee. If these website are still available,do you think P2P should even be considered illegal?

  2. I agree that there needs to be some sort of control on p2p file sharing soft wares. Ideally money should go straight to the artists but the problem is that site that do give money to the artists simply give them a percentage.So I believe that either way somehow the artist is losing money but still getting some money must be better than nothing at all.
